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Title: Broadland environmental scoring methodology : final report
Author: John Henry H. Looney
Document Type: Monograph
The proposed method is an environmental scoring methodology, to allow a quality score to be assigned to sections along the rivers (ronds) within Broadland by using the Environment Agency’s REDS plant species data and the dimensions of the ronds themselves. It has been designed to support the main purposes of the engineering works and erosion control, but does not include these in assessing environmental (ecological) value. The method proposed includes four categories of quality where a rond is present: low, medium, high and exceptional. A rond or section is assigned a score based on passing three environmental criteria (variables) thresholds. These are based on two biological criteria (for existing quality) and one environmental criterion (for potential quality). The biological criteria are divided into external and internal criteria (relative to Broadland) and relate to species of plants present. The external list refers to the Red Data Species or other nationally recognised species. The internal list is derived from the work by Hams (1992). By passing a threshold for presence of species a rond scores a pass (or possibly a double pass for the external criterion) and moves up a category, e.g. from Low to Medium. The environmental criterion on area proposed is the Edge : Area Quotient (as suggested by the Broadland Environmental Forum) where a quotient of less than 0.12 is a pass o f this criterion (e.g. a larger contiguous area relative touts perimeter). This method provides an objective and effective method for segregating ronds (sections) into quality classes using existing data. It is important to read the full report to note the limitations of using the REDS data but the results demonstrate the method provides the range of grading required, by an easy to use method that appears robust.
Publisher: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Stonehouse
Subject Keywords: MethodologyErosion controlRiversNature conservationFlood controlEnvironmental monitoringClassification systemsIndicator organismsBiological surveys
Geographic Keywords: BroadlandBroadland Rivers catchmentWaveney (Suffolk, Norfolk)YareChet
Extent: 34; + appendices
Total file downloads: 306

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