Title: Phytoplankton Classification tool for UK Lakes
Author: L. Carvalho
Author: I. Dodkins
Author: B. Dudley
Author: S. Maberly
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1347, Representation ID: 451, Object ID: 2522
The project aims to develop a method to classify the ecological status of lakes on the basis of phytoplankton. As part of this assessment, metrics need to be developed for phytoplankton community composition. A species-environment model was developed. This model indicated strong correlation between a number of the explanatory variables, with the eutrophication pressure gradients (Chlorophyll and Total Phosphorus (TP)) closely related with alkalinity. Further enlargement of the dataset, addition of further explanatory variables, such as colour or flushing rate, and taxonomic harmonisation should all help improve the model.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Phytoplankton; Classification systems; Lakes; Water Framework Directive; Methodology
Extent: 43
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4739
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