Title: Development of Hydromorphical Reference Conditions and Draft Classification Scheme for Transitional and coastal Waters -Work packages 1-4
Author: N Cooper
Author: S Freeman
Author: N Frost
Author: C Hinton
Author: S Hull
Author: A Brampton
Author: C Hutchings
Author: J Spearman
Author: Environment Agency
Author: R Whitehouse
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1351, Representation ID: 453, Object ID: 2524
The aim of this project is to establish present understanding of the inter-relationships between hydrology, geomorphology and ecology to develop a conceptual framework upon which the consideration of hydromorphological reference conditions and classification schemes will be based. The main body of this report represents the output from Work pakage 4 (Development of type-specific reference conditions) and it is supported by Appendices detailing the outputs from Work Packages 1 to 3 (1. Literature review 2. Development of draft reference conditions and 3. Workshop).
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Water Framework Directive; Classification systems; Hydrology; Estuaries; Water quality; Brackishwater environment; Brackishwater fishes; Monitoring
Extent: 169
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4756
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