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Title: Quantification of trace components in landfill gas
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1049, Representation ID: 589, Object ID: 2322
OF VOC RESULTS Ma ximum Concentra tion Geomea n of mea n Geometric mea n RPD Count Ma x Dic hlo rd ifluo ro metha ne Chlo ro me tha ne Chlo ro ethene Media n Avera ge Geomea n 100 400 100 400 400-100 100 400 Best Volume (AMicro m -3) Ana lyte (AMicro m -3) (AMicro m -3) (AMicro m -3) (AMicro m -3) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (ml) 18500 24847 20941 19235 11317 3 32 28 9 5 100 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND 31000 102087 29889 27802 17714 13 33 39 10 5 100 Bro mo etha ne 0 84 167 325 108 27 122 2 4 400 Chlo ro etha ne 0 461 2921 1255 1780 58 128 24 0 2 400 T hlo ro fluo ro metha ne ric 2100 5199 2004 1667 940 32 15 52 10 4 100 1-Pentene 3500 5486 3473 2646 2060 28 38 49 11 4 100 Ac e to ne 11000 13560 8477 4924 2681 24 30 43 13 2 100 820 1429 826 625 306 27 5 68 10 5 100 0 18065 16267 270000 - - - - 2 0 100 Fura n Prop a n-2-o l Ethyl Me rc a p ta n 1,1-Dic hloroe thene 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND 280 2233 770 749 560 35 49 54 6 7 400 Methylsulfid e 730 3693 1045 1056 565 10 13 56 8 6 100 Dic hlo ro me tha ne 720 6864 1161 785 499 13 39 21 12 3 100 Ca rb o n Disulfid e 100 13000 33983 13616 8000 5137 41 40 47 10 5 tra ns-1,2-Dic hlo roe the ne 260 435 288 304 179 2 14 32 7 7 100 1,1-Dic hloroe tha ne 280 564 312 311 187 7 37 27 8 6 100 n-He xa ne 3700 4399 3384 2156 1228 5 52 50 13 2 100 Methyle thylketone 15800 19391 12401 7837 5010 6 36 43 12 3 100 c is-1,2-Dic hlo ro ethe ne 100 2200 5713 2734 1501 1243 23 36 33 9 6 Prop yl Me rc a p ta n 0 6 - - 90 - - - 0 1 400 Chlo ro form 0 44 - 525 400 51 15 27 1 0 100 T etra c hlorometha ne 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND Benze ne 15000 18376 11782 8944 4681 9 17 61 13 2 100 Buta n-1-ol 4000 7619 4849 2970 1856 10 41 67 11 4 100 n-He p ta ne 5560 10528 7087 4986 3535 15 31 36 12 3 100 T hlo ro ethene ric 1650 8587 2330 1272 1110 25 38 48 7 8 400 1,2-Dic hlorop ro p a ne 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND Die thylsulfid e 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND ButylMe rc a p ta n 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND 15000 32658 14813 9418 8402 6 27 34 9 6 100 Methylisob utylketo ne 730 1238 897 468 426 9 43 38 7 8 400 Dimethyld isulfid e 170 1185 308 480 181 4 30 33 8 5 100 10000 10559 9325 7387 3329 3 29 84 13 2 100 0 1747 3905 1351 1439 173 121 73 2 1 100 n-Oc ta ne 12000 16603 7917 5794 3985 4 28 42 11 4 100 Ethyl Butyra te 3500 7240 3292 1975 1741 11 31 46 8 7 100 Butyl Ac e ta te 500 1468 691 469 342 1 36 45 8 7 100 T etra c hloroe thene 1950 5292 2311 1233 1190 28 13 41 7 8 400 EthylCyc lohe xa ne 4000 6029 3121 1893 1764 6 11 24 8 7 100 Chlo ro b e nzene 220 901 375 376 141 3 4 39 9 6 100 EthylBenze ne 8890 8491 7201 6676 2673 13 5 67 15 0 100 Methylc yc lohe xa ne T oluene Butyric Ac id m-Xylene + p -Xylene 18000 17780 16430 13510 5627 3 11 90 13 2 100 n-No na ne 12000 15467 10165 8026 3862 7 31 80 13 2 100 Styrene 260 535 339 293 134 8 1 28 11 4 100 o-Xylene 4300 6040 4464 3421 1602 8 30 82 13 2 100 2-ButoxyEtha no l 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND 1,1,2,2-T tra c hloroe tha n e e 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND 1200 2631 1391 1285 508 6 30 31 12 3 100 100 n-Pro p ylBe nzene p -EthylToluene 2410 7325 3978 2483 1221 19 28 105 12 3 n-Dec a ne 10000 11061 8011 6235 2594 8 36 97 13 2 100 1,2,4-T rime thylBenze ne 3080 5614 3745 2251 992 20 30 118 12 3 100 Limo nene 5700 9597 7008 4946 2522 5 29 82 12 3 100 1,2-Dic hloroBenzene 20 37 41 128 29 0 0 115 2 6 400 T etra me thylb e nze ne 0 37 84 86 56 1 48 - 3 3 100 Dic hlo ro fluo ro metha ne 143000 261887 193989 115187 68063 12 22 46 10 5 100 Ethyl Ac eta te 11000 32271 10384 5728 4121 22 26 33 10 5 100 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND 120 373 136 208 54 3 5 57 9 6 100 Methyl Me rc a p ta n 1,4-Dic hlorob enzene 1,3-Buta d iene 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 ND 1,2-Dic hloroe tha ne 60 170 98 198 62 3 7 48 4 8 400 120 Quantification of trace components in landfill gas Environment Agency Notes: denotes unable to quantify. Geomean denotes geometric average. Count Max is the number of times the specific sampling volume has the highest concentration. Best Volume denotes dominant sample volume (100ml or 400ml). RPD denotes Relative Percentage Difference. ND denotes non-detect Environment Agency Quantification of trace components in landfill gas 121
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Landfill gas; Trace components; Analytical techniques; Sampling techniques
Extent: 130
Total file downloads: 245

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