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Title: Investigating Links Between Bacterial Exotoxins and Unexplained Fish Kills: Phase 3
Author: J W Lewis
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1476, Representation ID: 515, Object ID: 2628
There is strong evidence that bacterial and algal toxins are responsible for many unexplained and often large fish mortalities in UK rivers, canals and lakes. The aims of phase 3 of this project were to extend the database of bacteria and environmental variables associated with toxic events. Water samples for bacterial analysis and gill samplea for SEM studies were taken from moribund fish from a number of sites undergoing fish mortalities. Five bacterial isolates were selected for testing on 3 species of freshwater fish (rainbow trout, common carp and roach). These included one species of Oscillatoria and 4 species of Actinomycete family. The results are given of both the water samples and the experimental work and the implications discussed.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Fishery dataGillsRiversLakesEcotoxicologyFish diseases
Taxonomic Keywords: OscillatoriaActinomycetales
Extent: 81
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