Title: Environment Agency Southern region : Christmas floods 1999 volume one : performance review
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
Christmas 1999 saw significant flooding across Southern Region. The current estimate is that between 400-500 properties were flooded by fluvial, coastal and surface water. Over 180 flood warnings were issued with in excess of 72,000 calls being made to the public at risk and organisations during the event. This review was undertaken to confirm the adequacy of the existing processes and procedures for the delivery of a seamless and integrated forecasting, warning and response service. To address this issue six activities have been looked at: event management, flood forecasting, flood warning, emergency response, public relations, and health and safety. Within these activities four areas have been reviewed: procedures, systems, liaison, and emergency response roles and responsibilities.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Flood defence structures; Flood control; Disaster preparedness; Flood forecasting; Early warning systems; Public relations; Health and safety regulations; Flood Management Strategy; Environment Agency; Rivers
Geographic Keywords: Kent (county); Hampshire; West Sussex
Extent: 37
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:505
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