Title: An investigation into the sewage system and storm overflow at Beer (1997)
Author: W. Loxton
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: devon area internal report may 1997
Beer is a small seaside village situated in East Devon. It has a small stream passing through it that originates from above Beer, having a drainage area of approximately 2.38 square kilometres. It finally discharges onto the beach in front of Beer. Within the village the stream is culverted until it runs along Causeway Road and along Fore Street, eventually disappearing under ground just above the beach. The beach failed to comply with the bathing waters directive in 1994. A request was received from J Hancock (Senior Water Quality Officer), for the Investigation Team to obtain information regarding the stream, sewage system and the storm overflow at Beer, prior to a meeting scheduled for the beginning of June 1997.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: [Exeter]
Subject Keywords: Sewerage; Bathing water; Beaches; Pollution monitoring; Storms; Coasts
Geographic Keywords: Beer (Devon)
Extent: n.p. [18]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:586
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