Title: Smugglers Lane pumping station, Holcombe : frequency of emergency discharges (2003)
Author: R. Pearson
Document Type: Monograph
Holcombe is a coastal village situated between Dawlish and Teignmouth. The adjacent bathing water is Designated. Sewage arising in Holcombe is transferred via a pumping station in Smugglers Lane to South West Waters treatment works at Timaru Gardens, Dawlish Warren. The pumping station has both storm and emergency overflow facilities from which discharges are made to the sea via a pipe that runs under Smugglers Lane. The pumping station emergency overflow (PSEO) is consented (Consent Number 201581). The consent for the storm sewage overflow (SSO) (Consent Number NRA-SW-1286) was revoked on 22/06/01. Principal flows to the pumping station are regulated by an attenuation tank (125m to the North West) which also has an emergency overflow (EO). The pumping station receives local sewage flows in addition to those from the attenuation tank. The Agencys Environment Officer requested the monitoring of emergency discharges from both the pumping station and attenuation tank following concerns that the pumping station facility was discharging too frequently. Emergency discharges pose a risk to bathing water quality. Both bathing and surface water quality in the vicinity of Smugglers Lane have been the subject of previous work by the Agency (References 1, 2a, 2b). As a result a number of improvements to the sewerage infrastructure of the pumping station have been carried out.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Sewage treatment; Sewage; Effluents; Water quality; Bathing water; Discharge (hydrology); Tanks
Geographic Keywords: Holcombe (South Devon); South Devon catchment
Extent: 13
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:591
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