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Title: Report on the survey of SBM handlers in Devon
Author: Jo Maye
Author: Adrian Evans
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: Devon Area internal report January 1997
This report describes the information collected following Agency visits to Specified Bovine Material (SBM), handlers located within the Devon Area Waste boundary. The report includes general overview of the surveys findings, together with more detailed site specific information, which is recorded in the form of spread sheets in Appendix A. The survey is associated with the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) problem. In particular it is linked to the potential for BSE infective material to escape into the environment from sites handling SBM, where inadequate protective measures are in place. This is a cause of concern because of the apparent environmental resitance of the BSE prion and possible risk o f infection, particularly where SBM containing wastes are spread on pasture land. To this end, the primary purpose of the survey was to check that SBM was being handled and disposed of in accordance with the guidance issued by the Spongiform Encephalopthy Advisory Committee (SEAC). In particular, the following was checked: 4mm (or less) screens were provided and positioned so as to ensure that effluent was screened prior to discharge to sewer, septic tank, cess pit or in-house treatment works; Particulate matter caught in screens/drainage traps was treated as SBM; SBM was stored and disposed of in the correct manner, i.e. rendering or incineration.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)Disease controlWaste legislationInspectionWaste disposalOrganic wastes
Geographic Keywords: Devon
Extent: n.p. [14]
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