Title: Essex groundwater investigation : project initiation document
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: 12/06/2000
This document presents the business case and project plan for the Essex Groundwater Investigation. This investigation will provide the technical framework for sustainable management of the water resources in the Essex area. This project is one of eleven identified within the "Anglian Region Strategy for Groundwater Investigations and Modelling" (the Strategy) which was published during February 1998. The Strategy recommends a staged approach to the groundwater resource investigation projects in order to effectively manage the risks and uncertainties. As such this document seeks authorisation to proceed with Stage 1 of the Essex Groundwater Investigation while presenting the business case for the project as a whole. The project covers the North and South Essex Local Environment Action Plan areas and for data collation (Stage 1) purposes also includes that part of the Thames Region area up to and including the River Ash. The extension of the area so far into the Thames region is to allow the probable eventual Essex model to have a common boundary with the anticipated Thames Lee- Mimram model. All the main Essex rivers (the Stour (including the Brett), the Colne, the Pant-Blackwater, the Chelmer and the Crouch) are included in the investigation. The overall objective is to develop and deliver information and technical tools to enable and improve the sustainable management and regulation of the groundwater resources of the Essex area. This will include the delivery of the following series of reports, computer models and databases. This document is the Project Initiation Document (PID) for the Essex Groundwater Investigation. The Essex area was one of the priority areas identified in the Environment Agency (EA) Anglian Region Strategy for Groundwater Investigations and Modelling (The Strategy), and is the third project under the Strategy to be initiated. The project covers the catchments associated with the Rivers Stour (including the Brett), Colne, Pant-Blackwater, Chelmer and Crouch.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Project management; Groundwater; Water abstraction; Environmental impact; Modelling; Water management; Groundwater assessment
Geographic Keywords: Essex; Blackwater (Essex); Combined Essex catchment; Stour (Suffolk); Crouch (Essex)
Extent: 62; + figures, appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:634
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