Title: Ely Ouse LEAP : first annual review : December 2000
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This is the First Annual Review of the Ely Ouse LEAP, and reports on progress with the activities identified. It also includes three new issues, identifies any additional actions required, and highlights issues and activities that have been resolved or that will be
progressed as part of our routine work. In preparing this document, the Environment Agency has consulted with representatives of the local community through the Area Environment Group (AEG). The LEAP covers an area of 2,510 km2, 43% of which lies within Norfolk, 40% in Suffolk, and 17% in Cambridgeshire. The area of urbanisation is comparatively small, and only five towns - Bury St Edmunds, Newmarket, Thetford, Ely and Mildenhall - have populations over 10,000. The Ely Ouse River flows northwards through the area, which also includes the catchments of the rivers Wissey, Lark and Little Ouse and their associated tributaries. Natural rivers and streams drain the upland areas (75% of the total), but the lowland drainage systems have been modified over the centuries by man, to provide flood protection for land that is up to seven metres below normal high tide level. The Denver Complex provides the northern discharge point, whilst balancing the outflow to the Tidal River and transferring raw water to Essex via the Cut Off Channel. River valleys are an important feature of the landscape, and the Fenland is the largest area of uninterrupted wetland in Europe. It has been occupied for more than 6,000 years and has great archaeological significance. So too has the Brecklands, a designated
Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) that lies on the eastern edge of the Fens and features a significant number of important nature conservation sites.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Catchment management; Rivers; Water quality; Environmental planning; Recreation; Civil engineering; Waste management; Environmental legislation; Biodiversity; Nature conservation
Geographic Keywords: Denver (Norfolk); Ouse (Sussex)
Extent: 38; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:684
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