Title: Dunball Sluice Refurbishment Project: G7639 post project appraisal
Author: Environment Agency South West Area
Document Type: Monograph
The South West Project Assessment Board [PAB] has requested that a post project appraisal [PPA] be undertaken of the flood defence scheme at Dunball Sluice, near Bridgwater. The sluice was constructed in 1971 at the outfall of the Kings Sedgemoor Drain to the tidal River Parrett. It forms a critical part o f the sea defences of the peat moors and controls flood flows from the Parrett Relief Channel [the River Sowy]. The need for emergency and urgent refurbishment works were identified in December 1993 when lifting chains to one sluice gate snapped during operation. The project ran for some 7.5 years, starting with emergency repairs followed by a series of contracts to refurbish M an E plant and modifications to the structure to provide permanent stop-logging facilities. The PPA assesses whether the expenditure at the Sluice has been effective and has met the project objectives. Lessons are identified regarding the management of major refurbishment projects. The risk of saline intrusion to the lower KSD has been reduced. The project had minimal environmental impact during construction.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Place: Bridgwater
Subject Keywords: Flood defence structures; Repairing; Project evaluation; Rivers; Tides; Engineering
Geographic Keywords: Bridgwater (Somerset); Parrett; South and West Somerset catchment
Extent: 20; + maps and tables
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:716
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