Title: River Ribble juvenile fish stock assessment 1998, with particular reference to salmonids
Author: Environment Agency North West Region
Document Type: Monograph
A total of 50 sites was electrofished throughout the Ribble catchment between 6th July 1998 and 23rd September 1998. These sites included 29 that had been previously sampled in the last comprehensive survey of the catchment, in 1992. No sites were surveyed on the middle and lower reaches of the main River Ribble, downstream of Settle and only very limited sampling (3 sites) was undertaken on the main river upstream of Settle due to the unusually high water levels that prevailed during this time. The electro fishing procedure consisted of a single upstream pass at each site. The fish densities (expressed as numbers per 100m2) calculated from this method and presented in this report are semi-quantitative, or minimum estimates and therefore do not represent the complete juvenile salmonid production for these sites.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Preston
Subject Keywords: Juveniles; Rivers; Stock assessment; Fishery surveys; Fishery management; Water quality; River fisheries; Population survey; Ecological abundance
Geographic Keywords: Ribble; Ribble catchment; Lancashire; North Yorkshire
Extent: 18; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:720
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