Title: Evaluating the impact of groundwater abstraction on key conservation sites. Stage 1 reports for AMP3
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The present report concerns the first phase (Phase 1) of the Project on "Evaluating the Impact of Groundwater Abstraction on Key Conservation Sites" of 20 candidate wetland sites in East Anglia, the overall purpose of which is to form the basis of business cases
for AMP3 submissions. The report contains an evaluation of 19 sites, East Ruston was not included in this Phase, as a preferred option, consisting of monitoring and "peat stripping", has already been identified. In the process of evaluating the sites, it has become apparent that a few sites, such as Hall Farm, or Great Cressingham, may not be affected by water Company abstractions, but rather by private irrigation abstractions. Therefore, the classification of sites in terms of AMP3.abstraction categories does not always seem to reflect the impact on the sites by others. This is an aspect that may need to be addressed, and a course of action will need to be advised by the Agency. At other sites, such as Burgh Common and Muckfleet Marshes, present evidence does not indicate an adverse impact but the possibility exists of such an effect, if climatic conditions were to change in the future. At yet other sites, such as Stmmpshaw Fen, management practices seem to have had adverse effects on wetland water supply. Though the project is intended to evaluate the impact of groundwater abstraction, at least in two sites, Cattawade Marshes and Burgh Common an Muckfleet Marshes, or possibly three, if Strumpshaw is included, the main water supply is from surface water.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Environmental impact; Groundwater; Water abstraction; Nature conservation; Environmental management; Site of Special Scientific Interest; Wetlands; Freshwater ecology; Hydrogeology; Environmental monitoring
Geographic Keywords: East Anglia
Extent: n.p. [118]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:767
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