Title: Rivers Axe and Lim catchment management plan : first annual review
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The water quality of many parts of Rivers Axe and Lim catchment has improved. Many river stretches which previously failed to comply with their water quality targets now comply, whilst no river stretches have deteriorated. However, even where
improvements have already occurred ,it is important that all the identified actions
are carried through to ensure these improvements are sustained. Investigations
have been carried out in this first year which have helped to develop further
actions to improve water quality. The completion of the Wimbleball Pumped Storage Scheme by South West Water Services Ltd in January 1997 (to augment the natural flow of water to Wimbleball Reservoir) secures further water supplies for the Wimbleball Supply Zone which includes the Axe an Lim catchment. The scheme was used between 4 February and 20 March 1997, pumping 384,886 cubic metres of water to the reservoir.
A number of steps have been taken towards conserving the natural environment
in the catchment. The development of the a biodiversity plan for Devon 1 is very
significant; the plan brings together a targe number of different organisations in a
coordinated programme of action for 36 habitats, species and earth science
features. Practical conservation work in the catchment includes the securing of
funding for the restoration of spring-line mire habitat, the entering of areas of
both grazing marsh and spring-line mire habitat into conservation management
schemes and a number of fencing projects which should benefit both otters and
water voles.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management Plans; Rivers; Water quality; Water reservoirs; Nature conservation; Habitat improvement
Geographic Keywords: Axe (Lyme Bay); East Devon catchment
Extent: 27
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:880
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