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Title: Kent area local environment agency plan : Consultation draft
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Agency is committed to a programme of Local Environment Agency Plans (LEAPs) in order to produce a local agenda of integrated action for environmental improvement. These will also allow the Agency to deploy its resources to best effect and optimise benefit for the local environment. LEAPs help the Agency to identify and assess, prioritise and solve local environmental issues grouped around the nine environmental concerns, taking into account the views of local stakeholders. The outcome of the process is a local programme of integrated action for environmental improvement in order to optimise benefit for the local environment. LEAPs replace the Catchment Management Plans which were produced by the former National Rivers Authority and build on their success by covering all the Agencys functions. The LEAP Consultation Draft concentrates on the prioritisation of environmental issues relevant to the Environment Agency and the identification of possible options for action necessary to restore/improve the local environment. This document is the main focus for public consultation. The Kent Area is characterised by the clays and sandstones of the Weald and by the chalk block of the North Downs. The High Weald faces the prevailing south westerly winds which results in precipitation on to the steep clay dome. Consequently in wet weather there is rapid run-off into deeply incised tributaries and this combined with the urban development, contributes to the flashy characteristics of the Wealden rivers. This has led to the requirement for major flood retention schemes within the Kent Area.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Addington
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA)Catchment managementEnvironmental planningEnvironmental managementWater qualityFlood controlRiversPollution controlWaste managementCoastsConsultation
Geographic Keywords: Kent (county)Medway (Sussex, Kent)Medway catchment
Extent: 67
Total file downloads: 311

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