Title: Humber estuary : state of the environment 1998
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This report summarises the state of the Humber environment in 1998. The Humber Estuary catchment is the largest in the British Isles, covering an area of approximately 26 000 sq km or one-fifth of the land area of England. The major tributaries include the Rivers Trent, Ouse, Aire, Don, Derwent, Wharfe, Hull and Ancholme. The River Humber is entirely estuarine and refers only to that part of the system lying seawards of Trent Falls (the confluence of the Rivers Trent and Ouse). The Humber Estuary system is, however, much more extensive and includes substantial lengths of the tidal tributaries. The total length of the tidal waters is 207 km and the longest tidal run is the 145 km from Spurn Point to Cromwell Weir on the Trent. West of the Humber Bridge, the course of the River Humber has changed little since at least the penultimate glaciation. The outer part, to the east of the Bridge, was created only about 14 000 years ago when the land area known as Holderness was formed. The tidal Estuary is even younger, having been formed only when sea-level rose after the last glaciation to flood the river valley about 6 000 years ago. Since then, deposition of sediment has reduced the width of the Estuary and created the Spurn Bight mudflats that are protected by Spurn Point.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Estuaries; Brackishwater environment; Environmental management; Water quality; Water pollution; Environmental monitoring; Land use; Environmental planning
Geographic Keywords: Humber; East Riding of Yorkshire; Lincolnshire
Extent: 41
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:908
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