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Title: Grimsby/Ancholme : draft leap : June 1999
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The draft Grimsby/Ancholme LEAP provides a position statement on the current state of the areas environment, and describes the major issues which affect its environmental, economic and social wellbeing. The Agency aim is to improve the local environment and support development whilst considering social and economic interests. The LEAP provides the opportunity to demonstrate that environment protection and improvement need not compromise wealth generation, and can bring social benefits which significantly enhance our quality of life. To achieve this objective the Environment Agency will operate openly and in consultation with local communities, creating strong partnerships with the common goal of protecting and developing the Grimsby/Ancholme catchment for this and future generations. The publication of the Grimsby Ancholme LEAP Draft Action Plan marks the start of a threemonth period of formal consultation enabling external organisations and the general public to work with us in planning the future of the local environment. At the end of the consultation period we will produce a Statement on Public Consultation which will summarise the views expressed in the consultation process.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA)Catchment managementEnvironmental planningRiversWater qualityWater abstractionBiodiversityNature conservationRiver fisheriesSewageWater pollution
Geographic Keywords: AncholmeLouth Grimsby and Ancholme catchmentLincolnshire
Extent: 74; + tables
Total file downloads: 329

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