Title: Hampshire Avon plan from April 2000 to March 2005
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The LEAP area contains some of the finest landscape in the country and is home to a magnificent variety of wildlife, in many cases of national and international importance. The central feature is the Hampshire Avon, one of England's most famous rivers immortalised by many in word and picture and a key part of our heritage. Indeed its importance to the landscape and associated wildlife is recognised by its designation as a European Special Area for Conservation and as a Site of Special Scientific Interest over a significant proportion of its length. The unique nature of the area is important to all those who live and work in it, and to those that visit it for enjoyment. However, all these uses must be balanced to allow the area to retain its special character whilst recognising that it is an evolving area which faces the challenges of economic growth. This inevitably places a number of pressures on the environment ranging from the need for drinking water, land required for development, the disposal of waste generated by society, amenity pressures and the effect of emissions to the atmosphere. All these are essential requirements but their impact on the environment and ways to mitigate them must be considered. Following extensive consultation the LEAP Plan recognises those places where there is a great deal of work to be done. In some instances this is to reverse past actions or in other instances to maintain and improve the area.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Dorset
Subject Keywords: Catchment management; Environmental planning; Environmental management; Rivers; Nature conservation; Pollution control; Waste management; Water quality; Local action plans (EA); Sewage
Geographic Keywords: Avon (Hampshire); Hampshire; Hampshire Avon catchment
Extent: 86
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:937
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