Title: Humber estuary : Quality Report 1994
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Environment Agencys Humber Management Group (HMG), through its Humber Environmental Quality Project Board (EQPB), co-ordinate Agency monitoring of the Estuary. Non-statutory Environmental Quality Objectives (EQOs), designed to protect existing and potential uses of Estuary waters, are used as reference points for comparison of results and trend analysis. Routine monitoring programmes of the whole Estuary, aided by intensive special surveys of smaller areas, provide data on the quality of the Humber including its tidal tributaries and freshwater rivers, its industrial and sewage inputs, accumulation of substances in its sediments and organisms, and the nature and diversity of its invertebrate fauna and micro-organisms. The influence of the dry spring was reflected in the rapid loss of flows during the later part of April. Flows remained low throughout the summer, only beginning to increase again in late October and early November. There was continued improvement in dissolved oxygen levels in the tidal waters, with only two sites failing the Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) and even these showing an improvement on previous years. Levels of ammonia also reduced, with all sites complying with the EQS. Levels of all List I and List II metals complied with their respective EQSs except copper, which is an ongoing problem in the Estuary. Levels of synthetic organic compounds complied with the EQSs with the exception of Lindane on the River Aire at Snaith.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Estuaries; Estuary Management Plans; Environmental management; Water quality; Water pollution; Pollution monitoring; Invertebrates; Biological monitoring; Fishery surveys; Modelling
Geographic Keywords: Humber; East Riding of Yorkshire; Lincolnshire
Extent: 83
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:945
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