Title: Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1998-1999
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This annual report of the Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee informs about latest plans and efforts of the EA with regards to its flood control strategy, improvements and expenditures. 1998 started with one of the worst floods to be experienced since the great Flood of 1947. Over the 1998 Easter bank holiday weekend over 3000 properties were flooded throughout Central and Eastern England. In the Gt. Ouse catchment alone some 600 properties were inundated. The publication of the report, following the Review of the Easter Flood by Mr Peter Bye, former Chief Executive of Suffolk County Council, lead to the production of an Action Plan to implement the recommendations made in the report. This Action Plan contains some 85 actions covering improvements to flood forecasting, flood warning, flood response and asset management.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Flood Management Strategy; Rivers; Flood control; Flood defence committees; Flood defence structures; Annual reports; Flooding; Hydrological measurements; Tidal rivers; River rehabilitation
Geographic Keywords: Great Ouse; Norfolk; Upper and Bedford Ouse catchment; Cam and Ely Ouse catchment
Extent: 31
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:951
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