Title: Humber Estuary Action Plan
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
The Environment Agency has a huge workload in the Humber Estuary. This work reflects the enormous economic and environmental importance of the Estuary and the wide range of duties of the Agency in maintaining and improving the overall quality of the Estuary. Alongside nationally important industries and ports the Estuary is also globally important for the birds it supports during their migration. In addition, flood defences protect 500,000 people and very large tracts of productive farmland from flooding from the sea. The pressures on the Estuary from all these things mean that there is a real need for management to ensure that the needs of one do not harm the needs of others. For example, continued improvements to water quality are essential to improve the well-being of the animal life in the mudflats which is the foodstuff of migrating birds. Equally, improvements to flood defences must not cause damage to the habitats or species which make the Estuary so important and attractive for wildlife. So that the Agency meets all its aims, it has adopted a number of approaches which help to ensure that by meeting its own targets, it is also contributing to the continued and future well-being of the Humber Estuary. These include: man aging the Estuary as a single entity and not on a piecemeal basis; identifying clear targets for work and operating in an open and business like way; working in consistent ways across all the functions of the Agency. This Action Plan represents a commitment by the Environment Agency not only to it's own environmental strategy, but also to working in full partnership with others to ensure a better future for the Humber Estuary from both environmental and economic viewpoints.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Lincoln
Subject Keywords: Estuary Management Plans; Environmental management; Environmental planning; Estuaries; Water quality; Waste management; Tides; Flood control
Geographic Keywords: Humber
Extent: 58
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:959
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