Title: Habitats Directive : review of consents : proformas for stages 1 and 2 : Roydon Common, Swangey Fen, Thompson Common
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Environment Agency document reviews the proformas for stages 1 and 2 of Roydon Common, Swangey Fen and Thompson Common. The international and national objectives of Roydon Common are: to enhance the condition of the internationally important bog pools, flushes and pioneer vegetation typically supporting white beaked sedge (depressions on peat substrates with Rynchospora alba'). Maintain at favourable conservation status by safeguarding the water resource requirements of the mire, and ensure sustainable management using extensive grazing as a main management tool; Maintain groundwater levels that will support the wetland-dependent fen and bog communities in a favourable condition, in terms o f their water resource requirements; Reduce scrub and secondary woodland cover and then maintain at no more than 10% o f the overall area of the valley mire; maintain and enhance the mixed valley mire and wet heath transition communities in a favourable condition, supporting a full range of vegetation types, ages, structures and successional phases, using extensive grazing as the main management tool. The international and national objectives of Swangey Fen are: Maintain and enhance the condition of the internationally important calcium-rich spring water fed fens (M 13); Establish and maintain sufficient groundwater flow and ditch water levels to protect the wetland communities present; Manage swamp and fen communities to maintain, in optimal condition, the NVC communities for which the site has been notified; Reduce and control scrub at a level which is not detrimental to the open fen communities; and obtain further information about rare invertebrates and incorporate their needs into management prescriptions. The international and national objectives of Thompson Common are: maintain the populations of the internationally important Desmoulins snail ( Vertigo moulinsiana); maintain and enhance the condition of the internationally important calcium-rich spring-fed fen communities (M9: Carex rostrata-Calliergon cuspidatum mire); Ensure that water levels, flows and water quality are maintained; maintain and enhance the notifiable swamp and mire communities; enhance the diversity of community types and habitat structure; maintain and enhance the notifiable grassland communities; maintain and enhance the invertebrate populations, with particular regard for RDB species; maintain and enhance populations of the rare and nationally scarce vascular plants; maintain and enhance the alder woodland; maintain and enhance pingos for their geological and biological importance.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Surrey
Subject Keywords: Nature reserves; Habitats Directive; Water abstraction licenses; Water abstraction; Site of Special Scientific Interest
Geographic Keywords: Roydon Common; Thompson Common
Extent: n.p. [59]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:982
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