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Supplementary File

Title: Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 11
Related Party - Individual (Author): Professor Gerald Sargent (University of Queensland)
Related Party - Organisation (Author): Freshwater Biological Association
Related Party - Individual (Author): Doctor Elizabeth Haworth (Freshwater Biological Association) Email address:
This photograph is section 11 of the Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey made in 1983 by Professor Gerald Sargent. It shows seismic survey of transect number 15 from East to West (fixed point 1 to 10). The accompanying map showing the transects for this data is missing.
Subject Keywords: SeismologySurveysLakes
Geographic Keywords: United KingdomCumbriaLake District (England)Esthwaite Water

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -2.993689
    Longitude (East): -2.976866
    Latitude (South): 54.348083
    Latitude (North): 54.369664

Time Window -  Start: 1983 End: 1983
Date Captured: 2015-08-20
Publication Date: 2015-12-22

This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.

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