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Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey 1983

Related Party - Individual (Author): Professor Gerald Sargent (University of Queensland)
Related Party - Organisation (Author): Freshwater Biological Association
Related Party - Individual (Author): Doctor Elizabeth Haworth* (Freshwater Biological Association) Email address:
This dataset is a seismic survey of Esthwaite Water carried out in 1983. Seismic surveys of several Cumbrian lakes - Windermere, Ullswater, Wastwater, Ennerdale Water, Crummock Water, Esthwaite Water, Coniston Water - were conducted in 1983 and 1987 by Professor Gerald E.G. Sargent of Queensland University, Australia. In 1983 systematic seismic traverses were made of Coniston and Esthwaite Water using a high resolution boomer. Precision position fixing by Decca Trisponder was employed. Uncontrolled but systematic traverses were also made of Windermere in 1983. In 1987 further systematic surveys of Windermere - with precision position fixing being used for the southern basin - were carried out. For the first time systematic seismic traverses were made - using precision position fixing and high resolution equipment - of Wastwater, Ennerdale Water, Crummock Water, and Ullswater. Seismic signatures of the High Resolution Seismic Source at various depths were recorded for future analysis. All research was conducted in conjunction with the Freshwater Biological Association. This collection of datasets is comprised of the original seismic surveys conducted by Prof. Sargent in addition to various notes and correspondence related to this research held in the Freshwater Biological Association archives. It should be noted that the accompanying map detailing the transects made of Esthwaite Water is missing for this dataset.

Subject Keywords: SeismologySurveysLakes
Geographic Keywords: Esthwaite WaterUnited KingdomCumbriaLake District (England)
Phenomenon Time -  Start Date/Time: 1983 End Date/Time:  1983

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -2.993689
    Longitude (East): -2.976866
    Latitude (South): 54.348083
    Latitude (North): 54.369664

Data Quality Statement:
This data was originally collected by Professor Gerald Sargent of the University of Queensland in Australia. Professor Sargent visited the UK to conduct these studies on two separate occasions in 1983 and 1987. The results of his surveys - along with some corresponding information - were stored in the archives of the Freshwater Biological Association. In 2015 they were digitised using a high resolution scanner, uploaded to the FBA's digital archive, and published. unfortunately the accompanying map showing the locations of the survey transects is missing for this data.
Publication Date: 

* To discuss any issues relating to this dataset please either send an email to Doctor Elizabeth Haworth or post to our forum

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Rights Statement

This data is published under the licence FBA Licence

Attribution: Sargent, Haworth & FBA

Citation of this data should be as follows:
Sargent, Haworth & FBA (2015): Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey 1983. Version:1. [dataset] Freshwater Biological Association [publisher]. doi:10.17865/fbads626

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Supplementary Files
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 01DownloadJPG1.82MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 02DownloadJPG1.91MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 03DownloadJPG1.45MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 04DownloadJPG1.98MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 05DownloadJPG1.38MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 06DownloadJPG1.52MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 07DownloadJPG0.69MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 08DownloadJPG0.81MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 09DownloadJPG1.23MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 10DownloadJPG1.11MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 11DownloadJPG1.16MB
Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 12DownloadJPG0.93MB