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Title: HIDDEN-DP-JohnLund-001.tif
Description: John Lund, one of the foremost FBA researchers. John Lund started working with the Association in 1946 and is famous for the experimental 'Lund Tubes'. His work was fundemental in developing 'jetting' in reservoirs to avoid development of a thermocline. He was also curator of the Fritch collection for forty years.
Curator: Freshwater Biological Association
Copyright Holder: Freshwater Biological Association
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Note (original item): Record creation date:2008-08-19 11:44:27
Subject Keywords: Freshwater Biological Association
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: Wray Castle; Lund Tubes; John Lund

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This item is published under the licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported
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Citation of this item should be as follows:
(2016) HIDDEN-DP-JohnLund-001.tif [image] Freshwater Biological Association [publisher] Permalink:

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