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Title: Catches of Migratory Fish in the River Don, Aberdeenshire- Consideration of the Availability of Fish
Author: J.S. Alabaster
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Report from J.S. Alabaster collection
In the first report (Alabaster, 1983) it was concluded that: (1) river flow appeared to have been the dominant environmental factor relating to monthly returns of migratory fish caught on rod and line in the R. Don during the years 1973-1982, and (2) low concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) was generally not significantly related to such catches. However, since a large amount of the variability in the catches remained unexplained, some of which was conceivably attributable to annual variations in the number of fish available to enter the river, a further analysis to consider this factor has been carried out. This analysis has been confined to salmon and grilse (salmon that have spent one year only at sea before their return to freshwater), because of the relatively small numbers of sea trout involved; it was also confined to the months of June, July, and August when the DO has tended to be at its lowest values. The caveats already stressed in Report No. 1 still apply, and additional reservations that now become relevant with the widening of the approach to the analysis, are mentioned later in the present report.
Publisher: Davidson Radcluffe Ltd., C. Davidson & Sons
Publication Date: 1983
Publication Place: Aberdeen
Subject Keywords: SalmonSalmon fisheriesEnvironmental factorsFlow rateDissolved oxygenCatchesSeasonal variationsWater temperatureHazardsSpawningAge determinationAge structureFreshwater fishesTidal rivers
Geographic Keywords: ScotlandAberdeenshireEnglandThames
Taxonomic Keywords: SalmonidaeSalmo salar
Extent: 15
Total file downloads: 200

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