Title: The environmental requirements of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) during their upstream migration in the Northwest Miramichi River, New Brunswick. Draft.
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: J.S. Alabaster collection
Statistical examination of data on counts of salmon and environmental factors in the Northwest Miramichi River have shown strong correlations between the rate of upstream migration and river flow, water temperature and predicted toxicity. These relationships indicate a cessation of migration in a given year at 1) maximum and mean temperatures as low as 28.2 and 22.6°C for daily values and 25.0 and 21.6°C for weekly averages, and 2) daily concentrations of copper and zinc combined equivalent to 0.77 of the threshold LC 50 value in a particular year, and weekly average concentrations equivalent to 0.78 to 1.28 of the LC 50 over a 5-year period.
Publisher: J.S. Alabaster
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Stevenage
Subject Keywords: Salmon; Water temperature; Toxicity; Flow rate; Fish migration; Metals; Environmental factors; Population structure
Geographic Keywords: North America
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmonidae; Salmo salar
Extent: 12
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/fbalc:101
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