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Title: Dead zones, live markers: the biological environments of larger U.K. Rivers
Author: C.S. Reynolds
Author: P.A. Carling
Author: M.S. Glaister
Document Type: Monograph
The conceptual basis of this report was founded upon the contention (i) that hitherto-accepted models of fluvial flow are inappropriate for the estimation of dispersion rates of entrained solutes and particulate loads and (ii) that the existence of viable, self-replicating phytoplankton in rivers is paradoxical without the simultaneous and widespread existence in those rivers of physical mechanisms for retaining significant volumes of water against the general discharge. The single, aggregated dead-zone- (or ADZ-) model provided practical evidence that the ADZ-concept might furnish an important basis for the investigation if (i) and (ii) above: as viable, growing respondents of the physical environment of larger rivers, the dynamics of natural phytoplankton populations ought to furnish useful markers of the spatial- and short-term temporal-variability of the fluvial flow. The project was conceived to provide insights into the mechanisms by which populations of particles (in this instance, phytoplankton) behave in relation to fluvial flow and, thus, to better model the dispersive properties of rivers and the ecological principles governing the distribution of potamoplankton generally.
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1989
Publication Place: Ambleside
Subject Keywords: EnvironmentSuspended solidsPhytoplanktonRiversFlow rateModelsFluorescenceRemote sensingChemistryFluvial landforms
Geographic Keywords: United KingdomSevern
Taxonomic Keywords: BacillariophyceaeChrysophyceaeDaphnia
Extent: 29; + tables and figures
Total file downloads: 215

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