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Title: Response to questions posed by Northumbrian Water Authority, with special reference to the fisheries implications of the operation of the Kielder Water Scheme
Author: P.A. Carling
Author: D.T. Crisp
Document Type: Monograph
At a meeting of the informal project liaison group in May 1981 a number of questions were put to the F.B.A. Teesdale Unit by Mr. J. Brady on behalf of the Northumbrian Water Authority, Some elaboration of these questions was given by Mr. F. Johnson during the meeting. The questions are presented as Appendix I of this report. The F.B.A. research programme on flow regime and young stages of salmonid fishes was aimed at establishing general principles which could then lie applied at a variety of sites. However, it is important to note that such general principles cannot be applied at any site without some information specific to that site and its fish populations. So far as the N. Tyne at Kielder is concerned, much of this necessary background information is lacking or rather sparse. A consequence of this is that many of the statements in this report about possible physical and biological impacts are qualitative rather than quantitative, though, wherever’ possible, quantitative data from elsewhere have been used to give some indication of the possible magnitude of the impacts.
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1981
Publication Place: Ambleside
Subject Keywords: SalmonidaeLife cycleGravelSiltTemperatureFish migrationHydrologyDischarge (hydrology)RifflesVelocitySedimentsSedimentation
Geographic Keywords: EnglandNorthumberlandTyne (North East England)Tyne catchment
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salarSalmo trutta
Extent: 31; + appendices and tables
Total file downloads: 205

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