Title: Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period January-December 1987
Author: J.F. Wright
Author: P.D. Armitage
Author: M.T. Furse
Author: R.J.M. Gunn
Author: H.A. Johnson
Author: D. Moss
Document Type: Monograph
This brief report to the Advisory Group follows the format adopted in previous years. Its main purpose is to inform members of the committee of progress over the past 12 months and our plans for the future. The current four-year contract ends in March 1988, when a full report will be made available to the funding agencies (Natural Environment Research Council, Department of the Environment, Scottish Development Department and Welsh Office). This phase of the project has four major objectives. They are:- 1. Development of the classification and prediction facilities into a practical working system; 2. Enlargement of the classification to include additional sites on large rivers and small streams; 3. Examination of a series of sites on polluted streams to explore changes in community structure; 4. Strategic research on the structure and functioning of river communities.
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1988
Publication Place: Dorset
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Pollution; Natural resources; RIVPACS; Macroinvertebrates; Environmental factors; BMWP
Geographic Keywords: Thames; Severn; Wye catchment; Great Ouse; Exe; Dorset
Extent: 6; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/fbalc:55
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