Title: Clouding: the issue. An appraisal of the effects of turbidity in aquatic systems
Author: C.S. Reynolds
Document Type: Monograph
This review considers the wide diversity and provenance of particulate materials in water. In addition to the quantities introduced into aquatic systems, the turbidity that is imparted depends upon its longevity in suspension which is itself a function of entrainment by the motion and the size range of the particles. Turbidity is an optical property and, accordingly, the differential effects of suspensoids on the absorption and scattering of incoming irradiance are compared. Principal effects upon the water quality operate via the planktonic primary production to influence the balance of gaseous exchange. The nature, quantities and behaviour of particles also directly affect the tenability of turbid environments to a range of invertebrates and fish. Unanswered questions relevant to the behaviour of a Severn Barrage and impoundment of tidal water are identified.
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1988
Publication Place: Ambleside
Subject Keywords: Suspended solids; Turbidity; Water quality; Primary production; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Fishes; Optical properties; Irradiation; Sediments; Seasonal variations; Estuaries
Geographic Keywords: Severn Estuary
Extent: 43; + figures
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/fbalc:65
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