Title: Turbidity and plant growth in large slow-flowing lowland rivers. Progress Report: April 1990- October 1990
Author: A.F.H. Marker
Document Type: Monograph
This research contract is centered on the middle reaches of the River Great Ouse, one of several highly managed large lowland rivers in eastern England. It drains rich arable land in the midlands and eastern England and for much of the year the clarity of the water is poor. Although many of the river channels have been dredged for flood control and for recreational boating, there is a great variety in the size and morphology of these channels. The purpose of this contract is to investigate the seasonal variations and causes of turbidity and its effect on aquatic plants and the associated periphytic organisms. Particular attention is being paid to the distribution of macrophytes and the seasonal variation of periphytic organisms in relation to channel size and structure. This is the fourth progress report on this contract but the first to be submitted directly to the National Rivers Authority on the causes and biological effects of turbidity in large lowland rivers.
Publisher: Institute of Freshwater Ecology
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: Huntingdon
Subject Keywords: Turbidity; Phytoplankton; Chlorophyll a; Periphyton; Macrophytes; Sampling
Geographic Keywords: Great Ouse; England
Extent: 7; + 3 figures
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/fbalc:66
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