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Title: Data on the effects of Parathion in the freshwater environment
Author: Freshwater Biological Association
Document Type: Monograph
Parathion, also called parathion-ethyl or diethyl parathion and locally known as "Folidol", is an organophosphate compound. It is a potent insecticide and acaricide. It was originally developed by IG Farben in the 1940s. It is highly toxic to non-target organisms, including humans. Its use is banned or restricted in many countries, and there are proposals to ban it from all use. This Freshwater Biological Association report shows data on the effects of Parathion in the Freshwater environment with regard to dispersion and transformation of this chemical in the environment and its effects on the environment, including toxicity.
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1984
Publication Place: Ambleside
Subject Keywords: Organophosphorus compoundsInsecticidesToxicityAquatic environmentDispersionsChemical contaminationChemical reactionsAlgaeTestsProtozoaCrustaceaFishesAmphibiansBioassaysBioaccumulationMetabolismExcretion
Extent: 104
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