Title: Review of Literature on the Effect on Aquatic Communities of Particulate Copper in River Systems
Author: J.S. Alabaster
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: J.S. Alabaster collection
It is clear that there are relatively few data available on the effect of particulate copper on aquatic communities in either rivers or estuaries, most information being on the effect of soluble copper in the water column. Furthermore, up to the year 1984 at least, no study appears to have defined sediment quality criteria for individual toxicants in fresh-water (Cairns et al., 1984). More recently, however, standards have been proposed based on the 'equilibrium partitioning approach' whereby the concentration of copper in the interstitial water is restricted to the concentration that would be acceptable in the overlying water (Pavlou, 1987); for example, a safe level of 68 mg Cu/kg is proposed, based upon an organic carbon content of 2% and is similar to historical limits of 250-50 mg Cu/kg developed for the Great Lakes.
The related, and relevant subject of the chemistry of copper in sediments and in the overlying water has already been discussed elsewhere in detail, e.g. by Hunt (1982) and Salomans (1987) and is, therefore, not dealt with here, although it is referred to in passing. Suffice it to say that the biological effects of copper in sediment hinge upon the bio-availability of the metal and that this is not readily amenable to direct measurement other than by measuring the responses of the organisms involved; the problem has been recently reviewed (Campbell et al., 1988).
The approach adopted in this report is to present a critical summary of each paper in turn and to draw the more general conclusions later. Unless otherwise stated, concentrations of copper are expressed as mg Cu/kg dry weight in both sediment and organisms.
Publisher: J.S. Alabaster, Consultant, Pollution and Fisheries
Publication Date: 1989
Publication Place: Stevenage
Subject Keywords: Copper; Aquatic communities; Pollution; Aquatic environment; Toxic substances; Chemistry; Sediment pollution; Sediments; Bioavailability; Metals; Animal behaviour; Freshwater biology; Marine environment; Toxicity; Field experimentation
Geographic Keywords: Europe; North America
Taxonomic Keywords: Daphnia magna; Hexagenia limbata; Chironomus tentans; Hyalella azteca; Tubifex tubifex; Limnodrilus sp; Potamothrix hammoniensis; Nereis diversicolor; Abra tenuis; Scrobicularia plana; Cerastoderma edule; Macoma balthica; Rhepoxynius abronius; Hypomesus pretiosus; Asellus aquaticus; Erpobdella octoculata; Amblema plicata; Fusconaia flava; Quadrula quadrula; Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri; Elliptio complanata; Anodonta grandis
Extent: 28
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/fbalc:94
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