Title: A Catalogue for the FBA Collection of Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
Author: Clare I. McCloskey
Author: J. Malcolm Elliott
Document Type: Monograph
The Freshwater Biological Association has an extensive collection of freshwater macroinvertebrates. A major part or the material was collected by Dr T.T. Macan but several other workers have contributed specimens. Many of the specimens were used in the development of keys that appeared in the F.B.A. series of Scientific Publications. The collection therefore forms an invaluable reference to accompany some of the Scientific Publications.
The specimens are preserved either in fluid, chiefly 70% alcohol, or in a dry state, the latter being individual molluscs or pinned specimens of adult aquatic insects.
Most of the information provided with the specimens is recorded in the catalogue and this often includes the date and place of capture. The names of species, and especially genera, have often changed since the specimens were collected. Each specimen is therefore recorded under its present name, but the original name, when different, is also included.
Publication Date: 2001
Subject Keywords: Macroinvertebrates; Fresh water; Specimen collection
Taxonomic Keywords: Coleoptera; Plecoptera; Megaloptera; Mollusca; Odonata; Coleoptera
Extent: 141
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/fbalt:3
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