Items having a keyword or observed-taxon relationship to this taxon - A review of Irish salmon and salmon fisheries
- Acidification of freshwaters: the threat and its mitigation
- Atlantic salmon facts
- Atlantic Salmon Research Trust Newsletter No. 7, July 1974
- Atlantic Salmon Research Trust Newsletter No. 8- January, 1975
- Atlantic Salmon Research Trust Newsletter No. 9- March, 1976
- Atlantic Salmon Trust "scalereadings" July 2000
- Atlantic Salmon Trust "Scalereadings" July 2001
- Atlantic Salmon Trust "scalereadings" September 2002
- Atlantic Salmon Trust "scalereadings" summer 2003
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Journal 2010
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Scalereadings summer 2004
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Summer Journal 2005
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Summer Journal 2006
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Summer Journal 2007
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Summer Journal 2008
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2000
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2002
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2003
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2004/05
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2005/2006
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2007/2008
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2008-2009
- Automatic salmon counting technologies- a contemporary review
- Catch and release: the survival and behaviour of Atlantic salmon angled and returned to the Aberdeenshire Dee, in spring and early summer
- Catches of migratory fish in the River Don, Aberdeenshire
- Catches of Migratory Fish in the River Don, Aberdeenshire- Consideration of the Availability of Fish
- Derivation of discharges used for fish movement at Conwy Falls (project no. N0289)
- Developing Quality Assurance for Fish Counter Data - Phase 1: An Assessment of the Salmonid Fish Counter Network in England and Wales
- Development of a Lifecycle Simulation Model for Atlantic Salmon.
- Effects of flow regime on the young stages of salmonid fishes- summary and conclusions based on results for 1981- 1985
- Effects of suspended solids on salmon (Salmo salar, L.) in the Parrett stuary, Somerset, Draft
- Enhancement of spring salmon- Proceedings of a one-day conference held in the Rooms of the Linnean Society of London
- Estuarial migration of Atlantic salmon in the river Dee (North Wales)
- Factors affecting natural smolt production
- Factors affecting salmon in the sea
- Further Validation of PHABSIM for the Habitat Requirements of Salmonid Fish
- Genetics and the management of the Atlantic salmon
- Historic changes in the Upper River Ehen Catchment- Summary
- Impact of sediment regime on salmonids
- Information on the status of salmon stocks
- Predation of migratory salmonids
- Problems and solutions in the management of open seas fisheries for Atlantic salmon
- Problems with sea trout and salmon in the Western Highlands
- Progress Report August 1982
- Progress Report December 1981
- Progress Report December 1986
- Progress Report December 1987
- Progress Report December 1989
- Progress Report December 1992
- Progress Report December 1993
- Progress Report December 1994
- Progress Report December 1996
- Progress Report December 1997
- Progress Report December 1998
- Progress Report December 1999
- Progress Report June 1987
- Progress Report June 1989
- Progress Report June 1990
- Progress Report June 1993
- Progress Report June 1994
- Progress Report June 1995
- Progress Report June 1996
- Progress Report June 1997
- Progress Report June 1998
- Progress Report June 1999
- Progress Report March 1983
- Progress Report May 1984
- Progress Report May 1986
- Progress Report October 1980- March 1981
- Progress Report September 1985
- Progress Report winter 2001
- Report of a workshop on salmon stock enhancement
- Report on a visit to the Faroes
- Report on two electrofishing surveys carried out between July 10-25 1978 and July 9-12 1979 on the proposed Kielder Water
- Response to questions posed by Northumbrian Water Authority, with special reference to the fisheries implications of the operation of the Kielder Water Scheme
- Restoration of Riverine Salmon Habitats A Guidance Manual
- Restoring and Managing Riparian Woodland
- River Axe Fish Study - Evaluation of Fish Movements in the Estuary
- River Axe Fish Study - Stage 2, Environmental Assessment for River Abstraction
- River Axe Fish Study - Stage 3
- Run timing of salmon
- Salmon fisheries in England and Wales
- Salmon fisheries in Scotland
- Salmon in Iceland
- Salmon in the Dee catchment: the scientific basis for management
- Salmon stocks: a genetic perspective
- Salmonid Fish Study
- Salmonid genetics in water : report of an Interim Review Meeting, St. Mellons, 17/4/91
- Spawning Escapement Targets for Atlantic Salmon
- Spring Salmon
- Spring salmon : a review of factors affecting the abundance and catch of spring salmon from the River Wye and elsewhere, and proposals for stock maintenance and enhancement
- Survey of physical characteristics of salmon spawning riffles in the river North Tyne
- Surveying and tracking salmon in the sea
- The anti-poaching measures contained in the Salmon Act 1986
- The Atlantic Salmon Trust Journal 2011
- The behaviour of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the River Tay as determined by radio telemetry
- The Conservation of Atlantic Salmon Habitat
- The Effect of Atrazine Exposure on the Timing of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Smolt Emigration
- The effects of predation on salmon fisheries
- The environmental requirements of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) during their upstream migration in the Northwest Miramichi River, New Brunswick. Draft.
- The industrial fishery for sandeels
- The interpretation of rod and net catch data
- The measurement and evaluation of the exploitation of Atlantic salmon
- The Movements of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Smolts in the Lower River and Estuary of the River Conwy, North Wales
- The Possible effects on migratory fish in the River Dee of increased water abstraction
- The regulation of salmon angling in Great Britain
- Trout stocking in SAC rivers. Phase 1: Review of stocking practice.
- Water Quality and Freshwater Flow in the Thames Tideway in Relation to Salmon Migration, with particular reference to the effects of low flow in 1990
- Water quality for salmon and trout
- Workshop Proceedings: fish movement in relation to freshwater flow and quality