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Title: Soil moisture data: AC0213, Devon, 2010
Related Party - Organisation (Author): Rothamsted Research - North Wyke
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): Defra
At Rothamsted Research, North Wyke, near Okehampton, south-west England (clay loam topsoil texture), direct nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3) emissions were measured from replicated (x3) plots (12 x 13 m) following spring applications of manufactured nitrogen (N) fertilisers to grassland. A control treatment was included where no N fertiliser was applied. Ammonium nitrate (AN) fertiliser (34.5% N) or urea fertiliser (46% N) was applied at a rate of 120 kg N ha-1 in two equal split applications (mid- and late April), with or without the commercially available nitrification inhibitor - dicyandiamide (DCD). The DCD was applied in a solution (15 kg DCD ha-1) and sprayed onto the plots immediately after N fertiliser application. The N supplied by the DCD was accounted for in the 120 kg N ha-1. As separate treatments, AN and urea fertiliser were also applied in four equal splits, 1 week apart from mid-April to early May i.e. 'little and often'. This dataset contains measurements of soil moisture as soil water-filled pore space (%) taken on the same days as nitrous oxide emissions measurements were made. The measurements were taken from the control and ammonium nitrate treatments only. If the data file is downloaded/opened in excel, dates may appear as dd-mm-yy instead of the standard yy-mm-dd.
Subject Keywords: Soil water contentGrassland soilsClay soils
Geographic Keywords: Devon
Observed Properties: DateExperimental blockingExperimental treatmentSampling depthSoil water-filled pore spaceYear
Parameter: Block number
Parameter: Depth of soil sampling
Parameter: Measurement date
Parameter: Treatment
Parameter: Water-filled pore space
Parameter: Year experiment started

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -4.04
    Longitude (East): -3.75
    Latitude (South): 50.68
    Latitude (North): 50.85

Phenomenon Time -  Start Date/Time: 2010-04-13 End Date/Time:  2011-03-14
Result Time: 2011-03-14
Valid Time -  Start Date/Time: 2010-04-13 End Date/Time:  2011-03-14
Feature of Interest: biosphere
Publication Date: 2017-02-03

This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.

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