- Version 1 of 1
Measurement Data Component
Title: Manure application dates: AC0116, Devon, 2011-2012
Related Party - Organisation (Author): Rothamsted Research - North Wyke
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): Defra
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): Scottish Government
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): Welsh Assembly Government
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): DAERA Northern Ireland
At Rothamsted Research - North Wyke near Okehampton, south-west England (clay loam topsoil texture), direct N2O-N emissions were measured from replicated (x3) plots (6 m x 12 m) arranged in a randomised block design. Dairy cattle slurry (c.30 m3/ha) and cattle FYM (25 t/ha) were applied to permanent grassland in autumn (late-September) and spring (mid-April). The cattle slurry was applied using watering cans simulating trailing shoe and surface broadcast application and the solid manure was spread by hand. In two separate treatments, the commercially available nitrification inhibitor - dicyandiamide (DCD) was applied by knapsack sprayer to the sward after slurry application by surface broadcast and trailing shoe to give a DCD application rate of 10 kg /ha (6.5 kg N/ha). An untreated control treatment was included where no manure was applied. This dataset is of manure application rates (i.e. total nitrogen applied) and dates applied. NA = not applicable. If the data file is downloaded/opened in excel, dates may appear as dd-mm-yy instead of the standard yy-mm-dd.
Subject Keywords: Application timing; Application rates; Cattle slurry; Cattle farmyard manure; Nitrification inhibitors; DCD
Geographic Keywords: Devon
Observed Properties: Application timing; Experimental blocking; Experimental treatment; Total nitrogen
Parameter: Application date split 1
Parameter: Application date split 2
Parameter: Application date split 3
Parameter: Application date split 4
Parameter: Application date split 5
Parameter: Application date split 6
Parameter: Block number
Parameter: Manure Application Rate
Parameter: Manure application rate split 1
Parameter: Manure application rate split 2
Parameter: Manure application rate split 3
Parameter: Manure application rate split 4
Parameter: Manure application rate split 5
Parameter: Manure application rate split 6
Parameter: Nitrification inhibitor application rate
Parameter: Nitrification inhibitor application rate split 1
Parameter: Nitrification inhibitor application rate split 2
Parameter: Nitrification inhibitor application rate split 3
Parameter: Nitrification inhibitor application rate split 4
Parameter: Nitrification inhibitor application rate split 5
Parameter: Nitrification inhibitor application rate split 6
Parameter: Total nitrogen application rate
Parameter: Treatment
Geographic Extent - Longitude (West): -4.04 Longitude (East): -3.75 Latitude (South): 50.68 Latitude (North): 50.85 |
Phenomenon Time - Start Date/Time: 2011 End Date/Time: 2012
Result Time: 2012
Valid Time - Start Date/Time: 2011 End Date/Time: 2012
Feature of Interest: biosphere
Publication Date: 2017-04-05
This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.
Total file downloads: 419
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