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Title: Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0111, Devon, 2010-2011
Related Party - Organisation (Author): Rothamsted Research - North Wyke
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): Defra
An experiment was conducted at North Wyke, Devon, UK, using 1 ha hydrologically isolated grassland plots on a clay loam soil (38% clay) overlaying an impermeable clay subsoil (the Rowden facility). Half of the plots are drained, with tile drains at 40 m spacing and 85 cm depth, with permeable backfill to within 30 cm of the surface, and with secondary mole drainage at 40 cm depth and 2 m spacing. Cattle slurry was applied at a target rate of 50 m3 ha-1 using a trailing shoe slurry spreader to each of three replicate drained and undrained plots at three times of year: autumn (October 2010), spring (early February 2011) and summer (late June 2011). There were, however, only two replicate plots for the spring cattle slurry undrained treatment. At each application timing three replicate control plots, receiving no slurry, were also established on both the drained and undrained treatments. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured from each plot following slurry application, using the static chamber method, with 5 replicate chambers located in a sub-plot (18 x 6 m) at the centre of each 1 ha plot. Emission measurements were made on up to 40 occasions over a 12 month period following each slurry application. An annual emission factor was derived for each slurry application timing and drainage treatment as the net (of control value) annual cumulative N2O-N flux expressed as a percentage of the slurry N applied. Ammonia emissions from slurry-treated plots were measured for 7 days following slurry application, using the micrometeorological mass balance technique, employing passive flux samplers deployed on masts located at the centre and upwind edge of each plot. Where measured, this dataset contains: annual nitrous oxide emissions (kg N2O-N/ha/year), annual nitrous oxide emission factors (% of total nitrogen applied), year experiment started, crop type, previous crop type, age of grass ley, soil texture, soil clay content, soil dry bulk density, soil organic carbon content, soil pH, total rainfall during the experimental period, nitrogen source, experimental treatments, application timing, application method, experimental plot number, total nitrogen applied, readily available nitrogen (i.e. if present, the sum of ammonium-N, nitrate-N and uric acid-N) applied, cumulative ammonia emissions, cumulative nitrate leaching loss, crop yield, crop total nitrogen offtake, manure dry matter, manure pH, manure organic carbon, manure ammonium-N applied, manure nitrate-N applied, manure uric acid-N applied and time to incorporation. ND = not determined. NA = not applicable. 'Rainfall during the experimental period' = cumulative rainfall from the first day of manure application to the last day of N2O sampling. The N2O emission factors are calculated using annual cumulative N2O values to 15 decimal places, however the annual cumulative N2O and emission factor values have been reported elsewhere to 2 decimal places. The net cumulative N2O emissions from drained and undrained slurry treatments have been calculated by subtracting the mean emissions from the drained and undrained control treatments respectively.
Subject Keywords: Nitrous oxideCattle slurryGrassland soilsClay soils
Geographic Keywords: Devon
Observed Properties: Ammonia emissionAmmonium-nitrogenApplication methodsApplication timingCrop nitrogen offtakeCrop yieldCropsDry matter contentEmission factorExperimental plotsExperimental treatmentGrass ley ageNitrate leachingNitrate-nitrogenNitrogen sourceNitrous oxide mass fluxRainfallReadily available-nitrogenSoil clay contentSoil dry bulk densitySoil organic carbonSoil pHSoil textureTime to incorporationTotal nitrogenTotal organic carbonUric acid-nitrogenYearpH
Parameter: Age of grass ley
Parameter: Annual nitrous oxide emission
Parameter: Annual nitrous oxide emission factor (% of total nitrogen applied)
Parameter: Application method
Parameter: Application timing
Parameter: Clay content
Parameter: Crop total nitrogen offtake
Parameter: Crop type
Parameter: Crop yield
Parameter: Cumulative ammonia emission
Parameter: Cumulative nitrate leaching loss
Parameter: Manure ammonium-N applied
Parameter: Manure dry matter
Parameter: Manure nitrate-N applied
Parameter: Manure pH
Parameter: Manure total organic carbon
Parameter: Manure uric acid-N applied
Parameter: Nitrogen source
Parameter: Plot number
Parameter: Previous crop type
Parameter: Rainfall during the experimental period
Parameter: Readily available-nitrogen applied
Parameter: Soil dry bulk density
Parameter: Soil organic carbon
Parameter: Soil pH
Parameter: Soil texture
Parameter: Time to incorporation
Parameter: Total nitrogen applied
Parameter: Treatment
Parameter: Year experiment started

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -4.04
    Longitude (East): -3.75
    Latitude (South): 50.68
    Latitude (North): 50.85

Phenomenon Time -  Start Date/Time: 2010-10-12 End Date/Time:  2012-06-14
Result Time: 2012-06-14
Valid Time -  Start Date/Time: 2010-10-12 End Date/Time:  2012-06-14
Feature of Interest: biosphere
Publication Date: 2017-04-11

This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.

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