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Vocabulary Term Details


Definition (

A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention and/or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity. (International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general - concepts and associated terms, p.6-7)

Preferred Units: N/A

Scope Note:

Broader TermsNarrower TermsRelated Terms
N/ADimensionless units
National / Regional units
SI base units
SI derived units
Units for agriculture
Units for greenhouse gases
Units for water quality
Units of angle
Units of area
Units of concentration
Units of electric current
Units of electrical conductivity
Units of energy density
Units of energy flux
Units of flow
Units of frequency
Units of gradients
Units of length
Units of luminous intensity
Units of mass
Units of potential difference
Units of pressure / stress
Units of ratio
Units of sound
Units of specific energy
Units of temperature
Units of time
Units of velocity
Units for water chemistry

This term is used for the following terms: 

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