SamplingDefinition N/A Preferred Units: N/A Scope Note: N/A This term is used for the following terms: N/A Approved Date 13-Dec-2012 Items having a keyword or observed-property relationship to this subject term - An assessment of river water quality in the River Kenn
- An assessment of the impact of Berkhamsted and Maple Lodge STWs on the Grand Union canal based on macroinvertebrate surveys
- An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1992
- Analysis of risk of EC bathing water failure : South Western region
- Atmospheric inputs of pollutants to surface waters
- Audit report on the 1995 GQA biological survey
- Biological Assessment Methods: Controlling the Quality of Biological Data. Package 1 The variability of data used for assessing the biological condition of rivers
- Broads restoration project : first year report 1990
- Coastal baseline survey 1990-93. Part 1 : nutrients
- Comparison of load estimation from grab an flow-proportioning samples
- Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
- Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
- Estuarine fish survey 1989 : inferences on the pollution status of the Thames estuary
- Freshwater phytoplankton : standard methodologies : final draft : biology laboratory procedures manual. Section C : test methods and procedures
- Hampshire Avon DTC Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Data 2010-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Macrophyte Monitoring Data 2011-2013
- Hams Hall Power Station. A survey of the flora and fauna of freshwater habitats in the environs of Hams Hall Power Station, Birmingham
- Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide residues in European eels anguilla anguilla L. from Sussex rivers - appendices : draft : part II
- Identification of pollution incidents potentially affecting routine monitoring sites 1991-1992 : draft report
- Invertebrates of Esthwaite in relation to development of fish farming in the South Basin
- Investigating the Applicability of Passive Sampling Devices to Pesticide Monitoring
- Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrates 1: Improving Sampling Methodology
- Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrates 2: Quantifying Uncertainty in Sampling Methodology
- Marine phytoplankton : standard methodologies: final draft : biology laboratory procedures manual. Section C : test methods and procedures
- Mechanisms of Water Storage in the Unsaturated Zone of the Chalk Aquifer
- National coastal baseline survey (Final draft) : 1993, 1994 and 1995
- Nitrates in surface water, inputs and seasonality
- NRA baseline estuary and coastal waters monitoring programme
- Pesticide residues in fish taken from the Newlyn River (1992)
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities : project report : annex (data)
- Quality of Bathing Waters in Hampshire, Sussex, Kent and the Isle of Wight : 1993 Bathing Season : NRA Report DL/bw4/94
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1994 : EC surface water abstraction directive : final draft report (1993)
- Remote sensing and baseline monitoring of the coastal waters of England and Wales 1992-1993 : a survey report [external version]
- Report on the national marine analytical quality control scheme 1992/93 (MPMMG 93/12) : presented to the October 1993 meeting of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group
- Report on the quality of bathing waters 1990
- Report on the results of a comparison of data from two surveys of the microfauna of the wash carried out in 1991 and 1993
- River Deben estuary subtidal biological survey, March 1992
- River nar eutrophication study aquatic macrophyte survey
- River Piddle Spring 2008
- Routine laboratory water sample data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk A
- Sampling freshwater shrimps (Macrobrachium) in West Africa
- Sampling Littoral Diatoms in Lakes for Ecological Status Assessments: a Literature Review
- Strategy for the use of field instrumentation in water quality monitoring
- Stream survey and assessment in the Ashford and Folkestone areas
- Summary report on blue-green algae toxin analysis, Toxicity Assessment and reporting to the Environment Agency, 1998
- Survey of the biological quality of creek systems in the outer Thames Estuary, with special reference to the impact of STW and landfill site discharges
- Switch mechanisms between alternative stable states in freshwater communities (01/574/1/A)
- Teign estuary post scheme appraisal report of 1991 surveys : final draft report
- The ecology and management of riverine trees : interim report
- The Effectiveness of Liners in Inhibiting the Migration of Landfill Gas
- The faunal richness of headwater streams. Stage 3 : impact of agricultural activities. Volume 2 : appendices (Note 392)
- The identification and investigation of a dinoflagellate bloom in Mounts Bay, Cornwall
- The measurement and evaluation of the exploitation of Atlantic salmon
- The potential of sedimentary phosphorus to sustain algal growth following reduction in external loading. Recycle pathways for phosphorus in lakes: evidence from large limnetic enclosures (Lund Tubes)
- Turbidity and plant growth in large slow-flowing lowland rivers. Progress Report: April 1990- October 1990
- Turbidity and plant growth in large slow-flowing lowland rivers. Progress Report: October 1989- March 1990
- Use of diatoms for evaluating ecological status in UK freshwaters
- Validation of statutory sampling sites using aerial surveillance : case study 4
- Viruses in the aquatic environment
- Water colour and humic charge 1st interim report
- Water colour and humic charge final report
- Wyre Estuary : summary of sampling locations and requirements
- Zinc in estuaries (Note 390)
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