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Vocabulary Term Details


Definition (

A unit determined by an authority or other entity that isengaged in raising and/or harvesting fish. Typically, the unit is defined in terms of some or all of the following: people involved, species or type of fish, area of water or seabed, method of fishing, class of boats and purpose of the activities. (FAO)

Preferred Units: N/A

Scope Note:

Broader TermsNarrower TermsRelated Terms
Economic activities
Coastal fisheries
Estuarine fisheries
Finfish fisheries
Inland fisheries
Marine fisheries
Responsible fisheries
Shellfish fisheries
Small-scale fisheries
Fish farms
Fishery management
Fishery production
Fishing methods

This term is used for the following terms: 
Commercial fisheries
Fishing industry

Approved Date

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