Pollution controlDefinition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution_control#Pollution_control) Pollution control is a term used in environmental management. It means the control of emissions and effluents into air, water or soil. Without pollution control, the waste products from consumption, heating, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation and other human activities, whether they accumulate or disperse, will degrade the environment. (Wikipedia) Preferred Units: N/A Scope Note: N/A This term is used for the following terms: Reduction of pollution
Approved Date 19-Nov-2013 Items having a keyword or observed-property relationship to this subject term - A guide to sustainable urban drainage : protecting the quality of our environment
- A study of the use of Glycol-based de-icers at RAF Lyneham and their impact on local watercourses during the winter of 1999/2000
- Abatement of radioactive releases to water from nuclear facilities
- Agricultural Waste Minimisation
- Alternative dairy farming systems to reduce pollution impact of nutrients : phosphorus (P2/575/1)
- An assessment of water quality in the River Yarty catchment
- An investigation into high concentrations of atrazine in surface waters and the increase in maize production in the Otter valley
- An investigation of sewage on the beach at Porthcothan
- An investigation to find out why Holcombe Beach failed to comply with EC Bathing Waters Directive
- Anglian Region Water Quality Report 1995
- Assessing and controlling the ecotoxicity of complex effluents
- Assessment of estuarine/marine water quality using benthic macroinvertebrates : standard methodologies : final draft : biology laboratory procedures manual. Section C : test methods and procedures
- Assessment of pesticides in groundwater : Thames region
- Best Management Practices to Reduce Diffuse Pollution from Agriculture
- Biological survey report - Chess catchment, June-Oct 1992
- Biological survey report - Pymmes Brook and Salmon Brook catchment
- Blythe/Cole/Bourne catchment management plan : final plan : July 1994
- Broads research progress report 1991
- Brue and Axe : first annual review : July 1999
- Coln River levels study : project summary
- Committed to the environment : a report from the committees of the Environment Agency's Southern Region for the year 1999/00
- Conservation : North West
- Conservation fact file (3/9)
- Contaminants entering the sea : a report on contaminant loads entering the seas around England and Wales 1990-1993
- Control of Mercury and Cadmium in Liquid Discharges
- Controlling the inputs of persistent chemical to marine waters from land-based sources
- Corporate plan 1991/1992 : Southern region
- Corporate plan 1991/1992 : Southern region
- Derbyshire Derwent : action plan : January 1999
- Development of PRAIRIE(tm) Dispersion Modelling
- Devon area industrial and commercial waste minimisation and recycling directory
- Direct toxicity assessment information
- Discharge consents and compliance : the NRA's approach to control of discharges to water
- Disposal of Cut Vegetation: Best Practice Guidelines
- Dorset Stour : second annual review : January 1999 - December 1999
- Douglas : Action Plan 1999-2000 : September 1999
- Douglas LEAP annual review : November 2000
- Douglas Local Environment Agency Plan : annual review summary 2000/2001
- East Hampshire LEAP : August 2000
- EC directives and the control of water pollution : fact file
- Ecological effects of discharges from watercress farms on the chalk-streams of the NRA Wessex Region
- Emergency arrangements
- Enjoy your garden : care for our environment
- Environmental issues in the Midlands 1995/96
- Environmental management audit : Thames Barrier and associated on-site activities
- Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
- Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
- EU Habitats and Birds Directives. Guidance for the review of Environment Agency permissions: determining relevant permissions and "significant effect"
- Evaluation Of Remedial Actions For Groundwater Pollution By Organic Solvents
- Fal and St Austell : second annual review
- Fal and St Austell streams : action plan
- Fal and St Austell streams : consultation report
- Ferric dosing of Grafham Water : a review of its impact on benthic invertebrates 1990-1993
- First annual review of the River Exe catchment management plan
- First annual review of the River Tone catchment management plan
- Freshwater Tamar catchment management plan : first annual review : April 1996 to March 1997
- Garden with care and protect the environment
- Hampshire Avon catchment management plan : final report
- Hampshire Avon catchment management plan : second annual review
- Hampshire Avon catchment management plan : third annual review
- Hampshire Avon plan from April 2000 to March 2005
- Heavy metal contaminants in fish caught from the Mersey Estuary and inshore Liverpool Bay
- Humber action plan : annual review for 2000
- Humber Estuary management strategy
- Impact Of Conifer Harvesting And Replanting On Upland Water Quality
- Industry in Avonmouth a public guide to pollution management
- Information sheet : industrial pollution
- Inorganic acids and halogens
- Integrated environmental audit of ICI Chemicals and Polymers Limited, Runcorn, 3-9th July 1997 : audit report
- Integrated pollution control : fact file (9/9)
- Integrated pollution control and radioactive substances in the Anglian Region
- Investigation into the impact of Henstridge sewage treatment works on the River Umber, North Devon
- Investigation into the storm overflow discharge regime of Hill Barton Seawage Treatment Works Okehampton
- Isle of Wight catchment management plan : consultation report
- Kent area annual review : May 2000
- Kent area local environment agency plan : Consultation draft
- Kent area local environment agency plan : September 1999
- Land management techniques - draft R and D note (453/4/Y)
- Large volume organic chemicals
- Leven Estuary project : fisheries component, final report
- Licensed waste management facility site inspection methodology and consistent scoring guidance
- Local environment focus : local environmental issues in Wolverhampton, Dudley, Kidderminster, Wombourne, Kinver, Stourbridge, Halesowen and West Hagley : Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) for the West Midlands Stour : 3rd annual review December 2001
- Lower Bristol Avon catchment management plan : first annual review
- Lower Mersey action plan : October 1997
- Lower Mersey LEAP annual review : September 2001
- Lower Mersey LEAP first annual review 1999
- Lower Nene catchment management plan : annual review September 1996
- Lower Nene catchment management plan : summary report
- Lower River Colne : draft catchment management plan
- Lower Thames fact file : from Hurley to Teddington
- Lower Thames LEAP (Hurley to Teddington) : 3rd annual review December 2001
- MAT scoring and weighting system for water quality improvements : final version 1999
- Medway LEAP : environmental overview : January 1999
- Middle Severn : action plan - November 1997
- Middle Severn : consultation report
- Middle Severn : first annual review : January 1999
- Middle Severn : second annual review - January 2000
- Middle Thames fact file
- Midlands environmental reference book 1995/96
- National Centre for Toxic and Persistent Substances : business case
- Natural Attenuation Of Petroleum Hydrocarbons And Chlorinated Solvents In Groundwater
- Ninth Annual Report for year ended 31st March, 1974
- North Cornwall coastal streams : catchment action plan
- North Devon streams : first annual review, October 1998
- North Devon streams : second annual review : October 1999
- North Devon streams : third annual review, April 2001
- North Essex : action plan : November 1998
- North Norfolk : action plan : March 1997
- North Norfolk : consultation report : June 1996
- North West Norfolk catchment management plan : action plan : November 1995
- North West Norfolk catchment management plan : first annual review : November 1995 - November 1996
- North West Region corporate performance monitoring report 1999/2000
- NRA policy implementation guidance notes (PIGN)
- NRA strategy for reducing the concentration of pesticides in controlled waters
- OPSHELP guidance : IPC - four year reviews under IPC
- Pollution - ripples 4
- Pollution control on the River Alt
- Pollution control statistics Midlands region 1995
- Pollution incidents report - 1997 Midlands region
- Pollution incidents report - 1998 : Lower Trent area, annex 4
- Pollution incidents report - 1998 : Midlands Region
- Poole Harbour and Purbeck catchment management plan : first annual review
- Population equivalent served by Exton South Sewage Treatment Works
- PRAIRIE(tm) Guidance
- Process industry regulation : integrated pollution control (IPC)
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : biological impact assessment of discharges on receiving waters
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : quality assessment of enclosed waters by G. Hawley
- Remote Surveillance of Mineral Extraction Discharges
- Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : main report
- Review And Appraisal Of Water Pollution Control Equipment
- Review of eutrophication control strategies : draft final report
- Ribble action plan summary
- River Avon, Bath : aesthetic study of riverbanks through the urban area of Bath : final report
- River Camel : catchment action plan
- River Cherwell catchment management plan : consultation report : April 1995
- River Cherwell catchment review
- River Erewash catchment management plan : action plan : August 1995
- River Erewash catchment management plan : consultation report summary (NRA Severn-Trent 23)
- River Erewash catchment management plan : first annual review 1996
- River Exe Action Plan August 1996
- River Exe catchment management plan : action plan (1996)
- River Kennet catchment management plan : third annual review (August 1996 - August 1997)
- River Kennet catchment management plan : third annual review (July 1996 - July 1997) : second and final draft
- River pollution and how to avoid it
- River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : consulation report : May 1995
- River Severn upper reaches catchment management plan : action plan : June 1995
- River Stour catchment management plan : annual review
- River Stour catchment management plan : final plan : December 1993
- River Stour catchment management plan : second annual review : January to December 1995
- River Stour catchment management plan : third annual review
- River Tamar catchment management plan : draft consultation report : 1st draft internal consultation, Cornwall area catchment planning
- River Tavy EC Freshwater Fish Directive failure 1993
- River Taw catchment management plan : consultation report
- River Teme catchment management plan : action plan : March 1996
- River Teme catchment management plan : third annual review, April 1998 - March 1999
- River Teme Local Environment Agency Plan : first annual review
- River Thames (Buscot to Eynsham), Windrush and Evenlode catchment review : final report
- Riverside litter : results of the 1990 campaign and a strategy for the future
- Rural sewage pollution in the '90s : report of the rural sewerage project 1993/4
- Safeguarding the lower bristol avon - public consultation
- Seaton, Looe and Fowey catchment management plan : first annual review
- Seminar on water pollution control
- Seminar on water pollution control : presentations
- Site right : industrial pollution prevention and control
- Sources of farm pollution and impact on river quality. Volume 1 (001/13/W)
- South Essex catchment management plan : action plan June 1996
- South Wessex area industrial and commercial waste minimisation and recycling directory
- St Agnes qualitative dye surveys 1995 data report : tidal water quality
- St Columb Major STW UV disinfection survey 1994 : final draft report
- Streetley Chemicals/ Redland Bricks
- Survey of the non-agricultural use of pesticdes within the Thames region
- Synthetic pyrethroid survey 1998
- Taw/Torridge estuary management plan : stage 1 : statement of catchment uses and problem identification
- Thames estuary benthic programme : inferences on the pollution status of the Thames estuary from the macrobenthic community structure
- The control of effluent discharges by a direct toxicity assessment (DTA) approach
- The groundwater regulations (Bilingual) : Rheoliadau dwr daear (Bilingual)
- The impact of ferruginous minewater break-outs on the environmental quality of the Rivers Rhymney, Ebbw and Sirhowy : summary report
- The influence of agriculture on the quality of natural waters in England and Wales
- The NRA in business : annual review and summary accounts 1993-94
- The rehabilitation of the River Taff
- The tideway storm problem May 1988
- The use of herbicides to control weeds in or near water
- The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : consultation report summary (NRA Severn-Trent 44)
- The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : first annual review : October 1994 - October 1995 (NRA Severn -Trent 45)
- Updating of PRAIRIE(tm) Databases
- Upgrading of Nox Reduction Equipment Fitted to Large Fossil Fuel Power Station Boilers
- Upper Nene catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- Upper Ouse catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1996
- Water from the River Dee : a working partnership
- Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1992 : report of the National Rivers Authority
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