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4151Creating a greenprint for London : An invitation to work with the Environment Agency towards a first-class environment for a world-class city
4152A guide to rod fishing byelaws : Midlands region (September 2001)
4153Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Anglian region
4154Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
4155Crantock EC bathing beach additional monitoring data report : final report
4156Investigation into the 1999 failure of the European Community bathing waters directive at Beer beach (2001)
4157Buckingham flood defence improvements : presentation of the preferred option
4158A change to your licence and the environment : key facts about Anglian region
4159A study of the use of Glycol-based de-icers at RAF Lyneham and their impact on local watercourses during the winter of 1999/2000
4160Thinking about an irrigation reservoir? : a guide to planning, designing, constructing and commissioning a water storage reservoir
4161A flood of memories : recollections of the 1947 floods in East Anglia
4162Impact of breakwaters on the water quality of Sidmouth beach
4163Cornwall area industrial and commercial waste minimisation and recycling directory 1998
4164Dorset Stour : second annual review : January 1999 - December 1999
4165Maps, plans, surveys and data
4166Ipswich flood defence management strategy study 2002
4167Grasmere, Elterwater, Esthwaite
4168River flooding - Stepping stones
4169Darent LEAP : consultation draft
4170Strategic review of development and flood risk : Grimsby and Ancholme catchments
4171Bass fishing in the Fal estuary and coastal area
4172Douglas catchment management plan : annual review : October 1996
4173Flood warning information for South Buckinghamshire : River Wye catchment
4174Environmental issues in the Midlands 1995/96
41751995 drought report : a report on the severity of the drought of 1995 and its effect in the Severn and Trent catchments