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4226Derwent and Cumbria coast catchment management plan : Annual review November 1996
4227East of England snapshot
4228National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 9 : St David's Head to Bardsey Sound
4229Japanese knotweed : alien invader : what you need to know
4230Hampshire Avon salmon radio tracking report 1986 - 1990 : final report
4231Fal and St Austell streams : action plan
4232Lower Nene catchment management plan : annual review : August 1994 - September 1995
4233National marine baseline survey 1995 : underway data : introduction to data
4234North West Region corporate performance monitoring report 1999/2000
4235Hampshire and Isle of Wight area directory Staff
4236Douglas catchment management plan : second annual review : July 1998
4237East Hampshire : consultation draft : July 1999
4238Flood warning information for the river Witham and tributaries in Lincolnshire
4239New Forest Local Environment Agency plan : consultation report summary
4240Environmental assessment of selected abandoned minewaters in the North East region
4241An investigation to determine possible causes of poor water quality downstream of Chagford STW (WSTW6046B)
4242Habitats Directive : review of consents : proformas for stages 1 and 2 : Roydon Common, Swangey Fen, Thompson Common
4243Defying the disaster : memories of the 1947 floods and 50 years of flood protection in the Midlands
4244Environmental overview for Central Area 2001
4245Fal and St Austell streams catchment abstraction management strategy
4246Tame catchment management plan : action plan : September 1996
4247A review of on-line water quality analysers
42481996 Hit Lists, Final Draft Annex 1A Low Load Hit List
4249Kennet Valley LEAP November 2000
4250East Suffolk catchment flood management plan : summary of scoping report