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4301Preston Beach sea defences
4302North Wessex area industrial and commercial waste minimisation and recycling directory
4303River Stour and Pant/Blackwater : PHABSIM studies : final report AK2417/63/DG/083 Rev 1 April 2001
4304River/topographical survey at River Yarrow-Birkacre Weir, Chorley : survey report October 2001
4305Shoreham Adur tidal walls (West Bank) : consultation document for flood risk management options - March 2006
4306SME-nvironment 2005: UK
4307Review of water company yields. Appendix 2 : results for each water company
4308Drought in the South : in depth
4309Good practice notes for sustainable development : introduction
4310Review of the water abstraction charges scheme : consultation document : summary of responses to the consultation
4311Water resources AMP3 update
4312Sustainable water management, promoting water efficiency : Local Agenda 21 roundtable guidance
4313Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Midlands Region
4314SME-nvironment 2003 : A survey to assess environmental behaviours among smaller UK businesses
4315The Agency's conservation duties (SD2)
4316Environment Agency/LGA flood defence technical protocol : August 1998
43171995 Annual Hydrometric Report
4318Valuing the environment (SD14) : report of a seminar held at Church House, Westminster, 7 July 1998
4319Water rights trading
4320Water resources in England and Wales : early prospects for 2004
4321Bristol Avon Local Flood Defence Committee handover document March 2005 : a new beginning
4322Review of commercial environmental information sources
4323Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for England and Wales
4324Tide tables for the Anglian Region 1997
4325Angle on the Broads : helping you get the most out of fishing on the Broads