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4426River Yealm catchment river water quality classification 1991
4427Endocrine disruption horizon scanning: priority and new endocrine disrupting chemicals
4428Programme Area reviews of research and development : report on a review of R and D in Flood Defence Operational Management (Note 355)
4429River catchment planning guidelines report : February 1990
4430Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 3: Environmental Standards
4431Langstone Harbour inter-tidal vegetation classification feasibility study
4432Development of a Decision Support system for a risk-based approach to catchment, estuary and coastal flood management planning (MDSF2). Part 1: Inception Stage
4433Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : quality assessment of river waters
4434River water quality in the Midlands 1994/95 : water quality summary data
4435The Ecology and Conservation of the Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale - Charpentier) in Britain
4436A review of the quality and status of the Suffolk and Essex estuaries and coastal waters : volume 2 : final draft
4437South Lincolnshire limestone aquifer : sealing of wild boreholes : final report
4438Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination
4439National Rivers Authority finance manual : financial memorandum; scheme of delegation, guidance on purchasing policy
4440River Glen : river channel assessment : annex B : an analysis of invertebrate records for the River Glen 1976-1991
4441An investigation into the flow interactions between the Spilsby Sandstone and the overlying aquifers of East Lincolnshire
4442St Agnes spore and dye survey 10/8/95 (draft)
4443The hydrogeological classification of superficial clay : the hydrogeological characterisation of glacial till and glacio-lacustrine sediments in Shropshire
4444Roadford operational and environmental study : draft final report : Volume 3 : annex D ecology, annex E recreation
4445Remote sensing and baseline monitoring of the coastal waters of England and Wales 1992-1993 : a survey report
4446Applications Of Artificial Intelligence For The Biological Surveillance Of River Quality
4447Erosion of forest roads due to natural and man induced processes : progress report for period October - December 1992
4448A desk study of the available information on wintering waterfowl feeding in the Wash, Lincolnshire and Norfolk
4449A review of polyelectrolytes to identify priorities for EQS Development
4450Rural sewerage forum - second meeting 8 December 1993 : 1000 - 1530 - proceedings