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5076Anglian Region joint study on water resources availability for wetland creation : final report
5078Diplozoon paradoxum,
5079Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : development constraints by parish : April 1999
5080Triaenophorus nodulosus,
5081Monitored flow rate, Wylye at Kingston Deverill, Hampshire Avon catchment
5082Diagnostic Drawing: Euglenophyceae,
5083Monitored water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and river turbidity, Wylye at Kingston Deverill, Hampshire Avon
5084Air quality report for the Anglian Region of the Environment Agency 1999
5085Herbarium Image: Carex hostiana
5088Echinorhynchus gadi,
5089Herbarium Image: Carex elata
5090Development of a Lifecycle Simulation Model for Atlantic Salmon.
5091Psychomyia pusilla pupal shelters
5092River catchment management plans : offer of services - main proposal
5093Pow Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Turbidity
5094Pow Outlet YSI Sonde
5095Sources of farm pollution and impact on river quality. Volume 1 (001/13/W)
5096Software profile : a user manual for RADGAP
5097Hydromorphology of Transitional and Coastal Waters - Task 5: Review of legislation and characterisation of pressures and sensitivity
5098Bathing waters report 1996
5099Yare catchment management plan : second annual review : June 1997
5100Flood defence : long term plans 1998/99 - 2007/08 programme