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5701Herbarium Image: Callitriche hamulata
5702Review of NRA regional emergency procedures - draft report - (continuation)
5703The importance of sediment release of phosphorus in the restoration of the Norfolk Broads
5704Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : North West Region
5705Eutrophication in controlled waters in the Warwickshire Avon catchment (final report). Vol 1 : report and executive summary
5706Freshwater Tamar catchment management plan : first annual review : April 1996 to March 1997
5707Reciprocal licensing arrangement for boaters
5708Proposed decision for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from british nuclear fuels plc Sellafield : decision document
5709Site supervision of the Beach Nourishment Scheme
5710Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : December 1999
5711Urban waste water treatment directive : Tw Estuary sensitive area (eutrophic) : submission (1997)
5712River Stort fact file
5714An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1999. Environment Agency : primary audit
5715Management plan of Davenham fisheries depot
5716Sewage treatment works remedial strategy : phase 2 report
5717Snailwell fish farm report 1989
5718Bathing water quality in England and Wales 1999 : a summary report
5719Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1997 : a summary report
5720Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1998 : a summary report
5721Discharge consent and compliance policy : a blueprint for the future
5722Windermere South Basin Seismic Survey Data 1983 Section 11
5723Stillwaters monitoring programme : summary results 2000 : Hatch Mere, Marbury Mere, Comber Mere, Tabley Mere, Tatton Mere, Melchett Mere
5724Loch Eillan
5725Loch Tummel